Qi and OCD

3 min readOct 7, 2020


Image from http://bamboolampphoto.blogspot.com/2013/07/bamboo-in-wind.html

Qi (sometimes spelled ch’i) is the animating energy of life. Qigong (or Chi Gong, Chi Kung, etc.) is a skill for working with qi. It involves slow, repetitive movements synchronized with breath. If you practice qigong you may actually feel, or even see, qi.

Qi flows. It flows through your body. When it is blocked, you don’t feel right. You may have an injury, a disease or be stuck in an obsessive-compulsive loop. When you cultivate the healthy flow of qi, whether by qigong, tai chi or yoga, you can feel more in tune with the flow with the universe.

If you feel like everything is going wrong today, that you “got up on the wrong side of the bed,” your qi is not flowing smoothly. It’s worth it to take time out with a quick qigong method (described below) to get back in the flow.

When you experience living in the flow, things don’t get to you — bothersome things just kind of bounce off you. It’s as if you were water flowing in a stream and you encounter a rock — you just flow past it. It may have altered your direction temporarily, but it doesn’t bring you to a standstill. If you suffer from OCD, this is the difference between being triggered into withdrawing into unhealthy repetitive behavior or just letting it go and moving forward in the moment.

Having a good qigong routine in the morning can set you up for a successful day, for a day of living in the flow of qi. You should also allow yourself to flow. That is, if you are running a bit late and you don’t have time for a full qigong routine, that’s OK. You don’t want to rush it or do qigong while frustrated and distracted and fearful about being late. Instead, just let it go and enjoy your day.

Likewise, if you find yourself running late to work, just accept it and enjoy the ride. Living in the flow is like being bamboo in the wind: You are flexible so that you don’t break in the wind, while you are firmly rooted and don’t get blown away.

Whenever I feel a need to reconnect with the flow of life energy, I stop what I’m doing and do about ten qigong arm lifts:

  1. Stand straight but comfortably with your legs about hip distance apart.
  2. Starting with your arms at your sides, slowly raise them forward, palms up, on an in-breath.
  3. Go up a bit on your toes (the balls of your feet) while your arms rise up.
  4. Stop when your arms are extended at about chest height.
  5. Breathe out while lowering your arms, now palms down, back to, and just a little bit behind, your sides.
  6. Your feet lower off your toes at the same time.

When you do qigong arm lifts, you are helping to direct your qi up and down through your body. The slow breathing also helps to calm and center you.

You are healthier when qi is flowing smoothly within you and the universe is healthier when you are flowing smoothly through it. It is easier to give and receive loving-kindness throughout the day. And that feels good to you and to everyone you encounter.




Written by OCD-Free

Essays, stories & poetry about OCD, culture and society, by Eric. OCD-Free the book: https://shorturl.at/nGR59

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