Love Creates Love

3 min readOct 2, 2020


If you have a child worried about whether the arrival of a baby sibling will mean less of your love will be directed at them, you can explain love as a flame. When we light a second candle with the flame of the first, it doesn’t diminish the first flame. Love creates love and is not diminished by it; it only grows.

People have sex to procreate, but we don’t say we are having love or doing love. Rather, we say we are making love. Two (or more, I’m not a prude) loves are are coming together to make more love. Love makes love.

If you want more love in your love, focus on and be grateful for the love that’s already there, instead of on a lack of love. For example, your parent makes you a meal, or your friend helps you move in to your new apartment. These are acts of love; these are demonstrations of love. The love behind these actions is genuine, and that’s what you want more of to be happy in life. Take your mind back to a gesture of loving-kindness that came your way. It may be as innocuous as a driver letting you have the right-of-way, or a stranger holding a door for you. You don’t have to analyze the intent of the giver, just gratefully acknowledge those acts of loving-kindness now, even if you neglected to do so at the time. Focusing on and being grateful for what you want more of can improve your mood and help bring about the reality you wish to live in.

Ideally, if you feel gratitude for some act of kindness that you receive or even witnessed, it will inspire you to be kind to someone else. Thus, love creates love.

There are negative, hurtful things in the world. As beings of love, how do we create negativity? I see these as misguided attempts at love. When an impatient person honks at the car in front of them, you can think of the motivation as being a desire for efficiency of travel. Perhaps the person who honked wants to get somewhere to help others at their job, or not to be late for their job because they need the money to feed their family. Maybe they honked because they thought another driver was acting dangerously. They may feel angry when they honk, but underneath it there is probably a basic motivation, perhaps convoluted by circumstances, to make the word a better place.

Acts of violence may be driven by hatred, and that hatred is probably the result of fear. Fear is the opposite of love, but love is more powerful. It can transform fear back into love, the natural state of things. That’s why the Bible says, “Love your enemy,” and Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

What is something you love to create? Poems? Camp fires? Babies? Create those things through love. When you write a story using the creative power of love, that story can help spread love. Love creates love.

After all, the universe is love, we are the universe; our true nature is love and it is through love that we create.




Written by OCD-Free

Essays, stories & poetry about OCD, culture and society, by Eric. OCD-Free the book:

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