Let it Go and Get Back in the Flow

2 min readOct 20, 2020


You’re driving along and….

Someone honks at you at it wasn’t your fault, and even if it was, what, are they in charge of enforcing the rules? You can just imagine what your supervisor is going to say to you today and, in fact, you do imagine it, along with an elaborate response and dialogue that ends with you righteously quitting. What would happen if you were wrongly convicted of a crime and had to go to jail and then had to fight off people who thought you weren’t tough enough… and then you killed one of them…?

Perceived slights, internalized monologues, catastrophizing… these things snap you right out of the peaceful flow of your day. Dwelling on these things spontaneously generates negativity: Negative thoughts feed negative emotions. Fight or flight chemicals like catecholamines are released because your body doesn’t know these events are all taking place in your head.

But all is not lost! You may have fallen off the path of a positive day, but you can get right back on. You just need to Let it Go and Get Back in the Flow. Don’t beat yourself up about it. Recognize that you are in a spiraling state of unnecessary upset and know that it doesn’t have to ruin your day. When you fall out of the flow of qi, of life energy, there is nothing stopping you from setting aside the negativity and getting right back into the flow. It’s like waking up from a brief nightmare.

Letting go to get back in the flow is good practice if you also suffer from OCD. The more you practice, the quicker and more completely you are able to release the self-destructive thinking. And it may be easier to let that go than letting a full-blown OCD ritual go. So think of these occurrences not as set-backs but as gifts; they are given to you so you can practice interrupting unwanted thoughts.

When you catch yourself in one of these made-up battles, you might try taking a few deep breaths and remember something that went well today — perhaps getting up on time from a good night’s sleep, perhaps the taste of a morning coffee, or even something nice that flowed to you yesterday. You might like to try silently repeating this affirmation, until you feel that you have let go and are back in the flow:

I am Qi

I am Divine Love

I Live in the Flow of Qi

Love creates love. You are a creation of divine love and are here to create through love. So get back in the flow of love.




Written by OCD-Free

Essays, stories & poetry about OCD, culture and society, by Eric. OCD-Free the book: https://shorturl.at/nGR59

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