When Spirituality Leads to Intolerance

2 min readDec 7, 2021


Be judicial when removing people from your lives who’s energy is not compatible with you own.

In modern spiritual circles, we often hear the advice to avoid people who don’t believe the way we do about metaphysical matters. People at a lower level of vibration, or people living in a lower dimension, are not conducive to our spiritual growth. My concern is when that expands to include people who believe any number of things that conflict with our current preferred beliefs. I saw this occur with a friend, who became increasingly paranoid, cutting off well-meaning people whom they suspected would not accept their beliefs. This self-isolation, meant to protect themself, also served to shrink the political bubble they lived in, cutting off access to other points of view.

When we only interact with people who believe and speak and behave exactly as we, we take away opportunities to strengthen our thinking and understanding of the world. Feeling different, misunderstood, and spiritually superior to others can dovetail with right-wing political fantasies. What starts as an effort to protect our spiritual integrity can devolve into a political worldview antithetical to the values that our spiritual growth is meant to promote.

My strong suggestion is to make a distinction between those you cull from your life for dragging you down emotionally and those you begin to cull for not thinking exactly like you in all aspects of life. If you already understood the full truth and had no need to be exposed to variant thinking, you would already have solved all of your spiritual and emotional problems. In reality, none of us has reached the point where we have a lock on the truth. To dismiss the brains of all other human beings is not only arrogant, it is lazy. No matter how spiritually awakened we are, working to truly understand different points of view and empathize with others broadens our awareness of reality and ultimately enriches us on our path.




Written by OCD-Free

Essays, stories & poetry about OCD, culture and society, by Eric. OCD-Free the book: https://shorturl.at/nGR59

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