Member-only story
We are all connected to all of the people around us in some pretty profound ways. On a physical level, we are breathing the same air. We are exchanging atoms. Yes — atoms that once were part of the body of that person cutting you off in traffic and honking at you like it was your fault may now be part of your body. And atoms that were previously incorporated into your body may now part of theirs. It’s unavoidable. We value the same things our so-called enemies value: family, personal autonomy, fun, perhaps our religion, nation or sports team.
On an energetic level, all life is connected; the entire planet is a living organism of interconnected parts. The life energy that flows through you flows through them. We are all essential parts of the larger whole. We are all part of the one living planet and our planet is part of the one living universe. We are so profoundly connected to one another that hating another person is like your hand hating your foot.
Human beings are animals. Do you hate a kitten when it behaves badly, or do you see how cute it is and forgive it? You can soften your attitude toward people by thinking of them as kittens. They scratch, they bite, but you love them unconditionally.
Another way to lessen your hatred is by realizing that everyone, no matter how they treat you, no matter what egoic protection they’ve donned…