Advice to Modern Spiritual Leaders

3 min readJan 27, 2021


If you are a New Age guru of any kind, a spiritual wellness advisor, a healing-through-thought teacher, thank you for cultivating positivity, introspection and personal growth in the world.

I do have a suggestion, and I offer it without any judgement as to the veracity or validity of your theories and teachings.

Please consider more accurate language, even if you have to coin your own words. It has become commonplace to borrow words from physics and other sciences to describe spiritual phenomena. For example:


You speak of raising your vibration. Yes, it may feel like your are achieving a “higher” vibration, but it is not a physical vibration in the true sense. People don’t vibrate at higher frequencies based on their level of enlightenment. Vibration is an easily measurable quality and this isn’t vibration. I do not question that you are referring to a real thing. I feel it myself when I meditate or do qigong. But please find a new word. How about awareness? Consciousness?


Saying that you are pulling yourself up into the 4D or 5D realm also makes no sense. Yes, you may be pulling yourself up into a higher realm, but please don’t slap the words 4D or 5D on it. We already have definitions for fourth and fifth dimensional space, and that’s not what you are talking about. If you were to move into a fourth dimension, you would appear to people in these three dimensions to shrink down to a point and then disappear. Sometimes, time is referred to as a fourth dimension, but that is also not what you are talking about. Perhaps describe it as a higher moral plane?

Quantum Physics

Please don’t throw quantum physics into everything to make it sound scientific. It feels like you are calling a meatloaf a “delicious peppermint candy.” They are two different things. I know that quantum physics is mysterious and not widely understood, but you are adding to the misunderstanding of this field of physics by pretending that it explains or proves whatever it is you choose to talk about.


This one is OK because it has long been used to describe feelings and psychological and bodily states of being. Feel free to continue to use “energy” to refer to all sorts of experiences.

I suggest that the popular spiritualism world would be easier for scientifically oriented people and persons with more of a literal bent to swallow if practitioners and advisors would come up with new words for these feelings and phenomena. You wouldn’t tell your students that they should ferment themselves from a gouda state into a higher cheddar state. Likewise, you risk losing people like me when you borrow language that already has well-understood meaning. My challenge to you is to come up with new words, or at least words with more ambiguous definitions, to use to describe your insights.




Written by OCD-Free

Essays, stories & poetry about OCD, culture and society, by Eric. OCD-Free the book:

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